
  • How to Illuminate the World With a Smile

    If you are self conscious because you have the slightest odd look about your teeth, smiling could become uncomfortable. It can also make you speak in an odd manner as you try to hide your teeth. The best way to deal with odd-looking teeth is to find a dentist who will make your teeth look so good you will want to show them off. Teeth imperfections that a family dentist can correct include the following:
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  • Gaining Confidence With Your Smile

    Not being confident with your smile can be something that makes you unhappy in the long term. People who suffer from a lack of confidence when they smile will sometimes appear as downcast in photos – especially when other people around them are beaming for the camera. In addition, lacking confidence might mean that you tend to keep your mouth shut in social situations and appear to be shy as a result.
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  • 3 Signs You Need to Replace Your Tongue Scraper

    More and more people are getting clued into the importance of cleaning their tongues. Everyone already knows how vital is it for their oral health to brush and floss their teeth, but the tongue can also play host to bacteria. As this builds up along the surface of the tongue, your breath can start to smell, and having more bacteria in your mouth is obviously bad news for your oral health.
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  • Whitening Trays vs Whitening Strips: Consider the Benefits of Each Option

    Whitening your teeth is a fantastic way to give your smile a bit of a boost, and there are plenty of ways to have it done. Two of the most popular are whitening trays and whitening strips. With the former, trays are made by your dentist to fit around your teeth, and you put gel inside when you wear them; with the latter, you simply stick the strips across the teeth and then peel them away after a set time.
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  • 3 Reasons You Might Want to Try Whitening Strips Instead of Trays

    If you want to whiten your teeth, dentists will usually recommend that you have custom trays created to form around them. Whitening gel can then be applied to the trays, which you will then slip in to wear for a while, usually as you sleep. However, certain people may find that whitening strips are more beneficial. Whitening strips are simply stuck against the teeth and then peeled away after the recommended time.
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  • 5 Surprising Foods That Ruin Your Teeth

    Your teeth will no doubt suffer some enamel erosion, cavities, and other such problems over the years, simply because of age and everyday wear and tear. However, there are many things that people do that hurt their teeth, increasing their risk of enamel loss and even tooth loss, including eating certain foods. Note a few of those everyday foods here so you can avoid them and protect your teeth as much as possible.
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  • Your Concise Guide to Replacing a Single Tooth

    The loss of just one tooth can have an adverse effect on your smile. A missing tooth can also impact your speech, eating ability and your confidence when it comes to dealing with people up close and personal. That's why it is important that you replace a lost tooth as soon as possible. However, while there are several single tooth replacement options available to you, you need to be sure that you choose the right one for your particular situation.
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  • Denture Repair: How It's Done

    A denture is a removable dental appliance holding one or more artificial teeth. Dentures are made from materials which are susceptible to erosion and fatigue. Dentures that have been in use for a long period also tend to crack or break. Repeated flexing of the material while in use causes loosening of the artificial teeth embedded in the plate and they may even break off. According to a study conducted by the Department of Prosthodontics, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University, poor fitting accounts for 40% of denture fractures.
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  • Four Tips to Ensure Realistic Expectations for Your Teeth Whitening

    One of the most important things to do when you're thinking of having your teeth whitened is to set realistic expectations. Unfortunately, many candidates for teeth whitening assume that they can have their teeth looking perfectly white after just a few weeks. This may be possible, and you're certainly going to see some improvement, but expectations really need to be managed to avoid disappointment and the temptation to bleach your teeth longer or more regularly than is recommended.
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  • What Is the Difference Between Orthodontics and Endodontics?

    Sometimes mixed-up terms, orthodontics and endodontics are distinct from one another despite both relating to the care of your teeth. A leading dental clinic will be able to provide you with both sorts of service, so it is important to know — from a patient's point of view — what you can expect from procedures of each kind. If your dentist has spoken to you about an orthodontic or an endodontic procedure, then you can discover the key differences by reading on.
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