
  • Too Young for Veneers? Why Veneers Are Not Recommended for Kids and Young Teens

    Children and young teens are always getting into trouble. Sometimes that trouble involves bumps, bruises and broken teeth. Young adolescents aren't so bothered about a broken tooth here and there and may even be proud when showing a chipped central incisor to their friends. However, teens are an altogether different prospect. For them, image is everything. This means that they will want to get a broken tooth fixed as quickly as possible.
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  • How to Keep Lingual Braces Clean and Hygienic

    Lingual braces are a popular choice for those who want to combine the effectiveness of traditional metal braces with a less noticeable appliance. Fitted behind the teeth, lingual braces are pretty much entirely hidden from view, which means nobody will even know you're wearing them most of the time. The problem is cleaning them. The spot behind the teeth is one of the number one spots dentists find people aren't brushing their teeth thoroughly enough, and with braces in place, it's not only more important, it's also harder to clean.
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  • 3 Reasons You Shouldn't Be Nervous to Get False Teeth

    Visiting the dentist is a source of anxiety for a great number of people, but considering modern advancements in dentistry, there's really no need for this.  Not only is most dental work painless, but it's also very quick; most procedures are optimised to be as minimally invasive as possible.  In fact, it's not only the procedures themselves that have been so impressively updated.  The end results look great too — and false teeth are just one example of this.
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  • False Teeth: Options Available To You

    There is a host of reasons why you may acquire tooth loss. These causes range from improper oral hygiene that could cause you to suffer from periodontal disease or simply trauma that would leave you with several teeth knocked out. Some individuals may assume that replacing their missing teeth would only serve as an aesthetic function, but the truth is tooth loss can affect your overall wellbeing. A few of the consequences of living with missing teeth include speech impediments, losing the ability to chew properly and even loss of your jawbone, which would, in turn, lead to facial deformities.
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  • The 3 Common Types of Mouth Rinses You Can Choose From

    Some people may be overwhelmed by the numerous options that are available when they go shopping for mouth rinses to support their oral health habits. This article discusses the broad categories into which those different mouth rinses can be grouped. Use this information to select the most appropriate type of mouth rinse for your needs. Mouth Rinses Containing Fluoride Some mouth rinses contain fluoride. Most people may not need this type of mouth rinse.
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  • Two treatment options for a cracked tooth

    A tiny, hairline crack in a tooth is rarely cause for alarm; in such cases, the damage is usually superficial and can be disguised with a veneer or dental crown. However, if the crack is quite large, and extends down to the root of a tooth, it can result in major structural damage and infection. Here are two treatment options which can be used in this type of situation. Root canal therapy
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  • 5 Tips to Relieve a Toothache

    When you're struggling with toothache, it's important to schedule an appointment with a dentist so you can find out what is causing your pain. However, not all dentists can offer appointments right away. If you have to wait to see your dentist, use these five top tips for toothache relief. 1. Rinse With Salt Water Rinsing your mouth with salt water can help prevent infection from adding to the pain of a damaged tooth.
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  • Tooth Decay to Go: The Negative Effects of Fast Food on Your Teeth

    Australians purchase 3.3 million fast food meals every day. Given that the population of Australia is approximately 24 million, that might not seem like a lot. However, according to the CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) Healthy Diet Score report, Australians only score 59 out of 100 for the quality of their diet. Not only is fast food bad for your waistline and overall health, it is also bad for your teeth.
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  • Post-Extraction Tooth Problems That Could Be Urgent

    If you've recently had a tooth extracted, a certain amount of swelling and discomfort is to be expected. After all, your mouth has just been through a fairly traumatic experience and it will take a few days to settle back down again. That said, you should still be on the lookout for any symptoms that could be a sign of trouble. Although post-extraction complications are uncommon, they do happen, and being able to act quickly and seek treatment is important in keeping serious problems at bay.
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  • How Life Can Be So Much Better If You Focus Specifically on Your Smile

    Do you consider yourself to be a generally happy individual? It's not a trick question, because many people go through their life just "making do." There are so many elements that with a little effort, could be changed for the better. For example, if you had a better or more appealing smile, just think how this could benefit you in terms of social interaction and career development. How can you make yourself happy in general by focusing on your smile?
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