
  • 5 Reasons to Choose a CEREC Dental Crown

    CEREC (Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics) is a method that some dentists use to create crowns and other dental restorations for their patients. Unlike traditional dental restoration techniques, CEREC allows dentists to create crowns directly, rather than taking a mould of the patient's teeth and sending it to technicians who construct the crown in a dental laboratory. Here are five reasons to choose a dentist that uses CEREC technology next time you need a dental crown.
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  • How to Help Your Teen Overcome a Dental Phobia

    Dental phobias are extremely common in children, and fears can sometimes endure until the teen years. While it's easy to read a young child positive stories about the dentist, promise them treats at the end of their appointment, or give them a cuddle when they're scared, teens can feel trickier to help. Your teen may deny their dental phobia, be embarrassed, or refuse to discuss the issue with you. These tips will help you deal with the situation in a way that doesn't make your teen feel uncomfortable or humiliated.
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  • A guide to orthodontics

    Orthodontic devices like braces can reposition crooked teeth and correct jaw misalignment. This type of dental device usually needs to be worn for at least one year to produce the desired results. Read on to learn more about this subject. The benefits of wearing braces There are a number of benefits to wearing braces. Firstly, braces help to straighten out crowded, crooked or protruding teeth and close any gaps between them.
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  • Restoring Youth with Dentures: 4 Ways that Dentures Make You Young Again

    No matter how well you take care of your teeth, eventually, you may lose one or two as you get older. In America, 69 percent of people between the ages of 35-44 have lost at least one tooth to the rigors of time. Sadly, unlike alligators, which can regenerate missing teeth as much as 50 times, once you lose a permanent tooth, you either go without, or call upon the services of a dentist to replace the tooth.
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  • The Vast Benefits That Cosmetic Dentistry Provides

    When some people think about cosmetic dentistry, they tend to assume that it is exclusively for the enhancement of one's appearance. Although cosmetic dental procedures do work to improve the aesthetics of your smile, not many people realise that these procedures can be beneficial for their overall health too. Other than boosting your confidence and fixing imperfections in your teeth, here are the other vast benefits that cosmetic dentistry could provide.
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  • Dental Fillings for Tooth Decay

    Sometimes there can be damage to the structure of your teeth caused by tooth decay. This inevitably results in pain, making it uncomfortable for you to enjoy your favorite dish or even sleep. One treatment commonly used to restore the structure and strength of the tooth by dentists is dental filling. What is dental filling? It is when a dentist removes the decayed part of your teeth and seals or fills the resulting cavity with material to prevent further tooth decay and restore the strength of your tooth.
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  • Likely Reasons Why You May Be Suffering From a Chronic Toothache

    A toothache can be one of the most excruciating pains that you could experience. Nevertheless, it is not uncommon to find some people choosing to self-medicate in hopes that a toothache will eventually abate on its own. The truth is a chronic toothache usually stems from a more serious, underlying issue that would have to be diagnosed by a dentist. If you are suffering from a chronic toothache, below are some of the likely reasons why.
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  • The 3 Most Likely Causes of Tooth Pain Whilst Running

    If you run on a daily basis, then you are no stranger to the normal range of aches, scrapes and cramps that often accompany runners as they push themselves towards the finish line. However, whilst it is perfectly normal to suffer from muscle soreness and the occasional episode of cramps while running, pain that emanates from your teeth could be a sign that it's time to pay your dentist a visit.
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  • How to Treat a Knocked Out Tooth

    Sometimes a tooth needs to be removed because it has decayed so much that it cannot be saved. However, the situation of a missing tooth can be trickier to manage if the tooth has come out because of some sort of trauma. Being hit in the jaw or suffering a sporting injury to the face are common reasons why you might lose a tooth. If this case applies to you, then what can your dentist do about it?
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  • 4 Ways to Protect Your Teeth During a Camping Trip

    Hiking and camping are a great way to enjoy the wonders of Australia. However, if you are planning to go away on a trip which will last a few days, you should make sure you think about how you will protect your dental health. Below is a guide to 4 steps you can take to protect your oral health during your next camping trip. Pack a full-size toothbrush If you are planning to hike some distance, you will no doubt be thinking about the weight of your backpack.
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