
  • Is a Crown or a Veneer Better for a Cracked Tooth? Here Are the 2 Crucial Considerations in This Choice.

    If you've cracked your tooth, your emergency dentist may recommend either a dental crown or a dental veneer as a remedy. Whilst crowns and veneers are quite alike in some ways, they also have some significant differences. The choice between crown and veneer will depend upon a few different factors, including the following two crucial considerations.  The Amount of Damage The amount of damage to the tooth can be a deciding factor when it comes to crowns versus veneers.
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  • What Can You do About Inflamed Gums?

    If you've noticed unusually red gums whilst looking in the mirror, or an unusual amount of sensitivity during brushing, you may be dealing with inflamed gums. Whilst inflamed gums can be a quite serious problem if left untreated, you can take some smart measures right now to prevent major issues later. Here's what you can do.  Choose the Right Type of Toothbrush When you're trying to minimise inflammation in your gums, it's important to have the right toothbrush.
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  • Dentures Versus Dental Implants: Which Is Right For You?

    Whilst you may have lost one or more of your natural teeth, there is no reason to worry -- there are great options for tooth replacement available today. The two most popular options for teeth replacement, dental implants and dentures, can both give you natural looking and functional new teeth. You may be wondering how similar these two options really are. Read on to learn about the differences between dental implants and dentures.
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  • Three Ways You Can Avoid A Root Canal Treatment

    One of the biggest misconceptions about root canal treatment is that it is painful. However, this is more myth than fact, as it is the infection in the tooth causing the pain, not the procedure to save the tooth. If you are someone who will do anything to avoid dental treatment outside of the yearly clean and checkup, then you might be wondering how to avoid having root canal treatment. There are three ways to achieve this.
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  • What Is A Root Canal Treatment?

    Sometimes referred to by dental practitioners as endodontic therapy, root canal treatment is a procedure that is undertaken in order to deal with a tooth that has become so damaged that its pulp has become infected. The pulp of a tooth lies inside the outer casing of hard enamel and can be extremely sensitive if exposed. For patients who are suffering from severe toothache as a result of the corrosive effects of sugar, root canal treatment can offer a much-desired solution.
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  • Answering Your Questions About a Dental or Tooth Implant

    A dental or tooth implant is a good choice for someone who has lost a tooth, or who needs a tooth extracted because of damage or decay. If you've been recommended for a dental implant, you want to ask your dentist any and all questions you might have about this product and the procedure for installing it, but note a few common questions many patients have about such implants, so you know what to expect with yours.
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  • Scuba Diving and Dental Health: Tooth Squeeze

    If you have recently taken up scuba diving, you may not have considered how it may affect your dental health. At first, it may seem highly unlikely that diving underwater using professional equipment could cause any harm to your teeth. However, there are a number of dental issues which can occur when scuba diving. Below is a guide to one of the most common issues, tooth squeeze. What is tooth squeeze?
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  • Why Mouthguards Are so Important for Kids Who Wear Braces

    When children are in their element, they may feel as if they are indestructible. Certainly, they are able to absorb bumps and bruises much more readily than their parents can! However, parents also have to look out for the well-being of their kids, particularly when they are taking part in a contact sport in school. This is a rite of passage for most children, but injuries can frequently occur to the mouth and could lead to dental injuries.
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  • What Your Orthodontist Wants You to Know About Braces

    Are you on the verge of having braces? Congratulations, because you're taking the first step towards straighter teeth. Not only does this make smiling feel more effortless, but also it can help with word formation and chewing too.  Before an orthodontist installs your braces, there are some essential facts they may want you to know: The stuff that catches around braces harms your teeth No matter what type of braces you opt for, there's scope for food getting stuck there.
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  • Teaching Your Child Techniques For Removing Loose Teeth

    Your first child brings a lot of firsts out of their world into yours. The first time they laugh, the first time they crawl, and the first time they lose a tooth are all memorable experiences. When it comes to the removal of loose teeth, you may remember your parents trying to help you get the tooth out. The problem with this though was that many children grew up afraid of loose teeth because they feared the pain of it being pulled by mum or dad.
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