
  • The Most Natural-Looking Way to Replace Multiple Missing Teeth

    When your dental health has declined to the point that multiple teeth need to be replaced, you will be torn between wanting the most natural look and actually being able to pay for the most natural look. Yes, dental implants are the most natural tooth replacement option, but isn't it going to be rather expensive to replace each tooth with a dental implant? Not only that, but won't it require a whole lot of invasive surgery?
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  • Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

    Missing teeth, especially the front teeth, may change your appearance, making you shy away from smiling or even socialising; this is because your teeth play a huge role in how you look. Your teeth also help you chew and talk clearly, which you might have noticed you have difficulty doing with a few missing teeth. When you visit a dentist, he or she will carry out an examination that may involve X-rays, blood tests and a series of questions to find out more about your medical history.
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  • Helping You Understand Dental Crowns

    You may already know that a tooth comprises of two parts: the part you see when you look inside your mouth (crown) and the roots located inside your gum, and in your jawbone to hold and secure your tooth firmly. Your tooth also has three distinct layers: the outermost known as the enamel, a second layer known as the dentine and a third layer, which is more of a chamber that houses your tooth's blood vessels and nerves (pulp cavity).
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  • Want to Bid Bad Breath Goodbye? 4 Simple Things Your Dentist Wished You Knew

    An ideal way to straighten your teeth discreetly is through the Invisalign treatment. Though the treatment is effective, it may increase the chances of experiencing bad breath if you are not careful. Bad breath is unappealing and indicates that there may be other underlying severe issues. Therefore, it is vital to follow proper dental hygiene practices and visit a dentist when bad breath persists. Here are tips you may get from your dentist so you can bid halitosis goodbye more effectively.
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  • Different Aspects Contributing To The Longevity Of Your Tooth Whitening Results

    Tooth whitening is one of many commonly requested services when patients visit a dentist. And this is not surprising. Discoloured teeth can deal a severe blow to your self-confidence as you may not be comfortable smiling around company, more so new acquaintances. Additionally, stained teeth can also influence how people perceive you, both professionally and socially. Fortunately, in-office teeth whitening will revamp your smile and your overall appearance and this can have far-reaching benefits to your day-to-day life.
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  • Reasons To Invest In Dental Implants Rather Than Dentures

    Losing a tooth, or worse yet several of them, can be a devastating experience. In addition to the pain that you experience, you also have to contend with the dramatic change this does to your overall appearance. Therefore, it is unsurprising that a good number of people want to replace these lost teeth as soon as they possibly can. And when it comes to affordability, dentures are one of the cheapest replacement treatments in the market.
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  • How You Promote the Growth of Bad Bacteria in Your Mouth

    Your mouth is the scene of an ongoing war between the good oral bacteria and the bad oral bacteria. In a healthy mouth, flourishing, friendly bacteria keep harmful bacteria in check along with help from the powerful human immune system. However, many people aren't aware of this fact. Because of that, they unwittingly aid harmful bacterial strains while hindering the healthy strains. Your Diet Affects Bacterial Growth Too much sugar is bad for you in many ways.
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  • Looking To Brighten Your Smile? Choose Laser Whitening!

    Cosmetic treatments, more so of the dental variety, are more accessible now than they have ever been. No longer reserved for celebrities and the wealthy, cosmetic treatments have become increasingly affordable. Thus, if you are unhappy with your teeth, you can easily get rid of the flaws they have developed. Although you could have acquired a myriad of oral issues, one of the most common problems that adults complain about is discolourations and staining of their teeth.
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  • How to Find a Great Dentist

    If you understand the importance of oral hygiene and looking after your teeth, then you will want to find the services of a dentist in Australia. A good dentist will be able to partner with you to maintain your teeth and gums in the best possible condition for years to come. When looking for a dentist, there are a number of important considerations that you will need to bear in mind.
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  • 5 Steps to Securing Your Partial Dentures in Place

    For many people, partial dentures are the most practical solution to missing teeth. However, some people struggle to keep their partial dentures in place when they eat, speak and laugh. Here are a few tips that can assist you in achieving a more secure fit. 1. Introduce Foods Gradually It is possible to eat almost all types of food when you have partial dentures, but some foods are easier to chew than others.
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